How it works

Mint Address Book NFT in 30 seconds

Verified On-chain Data

Address Book NFT contributes verified data to the Optimism blockchain by recording user information, including avatars, emails or nicknames, and blockchain addresses, directly onto NFTs.

This process enriches the blockchain with an open source of reliable data, which developers can readily adopt and integrate into their applications.

From the user's perspective, this product enhances the on-chain experience by ensuring that interactions and transactions occur between verified entities, providing greater security and confidence in each transaction.

Address Book NFT mechanism ensures its permanent and independent existence on the blockchain, free from reliance on its original system or any centralized database.

Its design guarantees that the NFT and its associated data remain immutable and accessible, preserving its integrity and utility over time without dependency on external systems.

ERC-721 NFT on Optimism

It FREE to mint!

The Address Book NFT is implemented as an ERC-721 standard NFT on the Optimism chain, offering an affordable and efficient minting process with no additional service fees.

This design allows users to leverage Ethereum as the primary fuel for gas transactions while significantly reducing costs.

By utilizing the Optimism chain, users can benefit from Ethereum's security and robustness while enjoying substantial savings on transaction fees, making the process more accessible and cost-effective.

Address Book NFT Formats

Email + Address

The initial format of the Address Book NFT combines a user's email address with their blockchain address.

By minting this type of NFT, the creator enables other users to easily search for and retrieve the associated blockchain address using the linked email address.

This streamlined approach enhances user experience by simplifying the process of locating and interacting with verified addresses within the blockchain ecosystem.

Nickname + Address

The second format of the Address Book NFT combines a user's nickname with their blockchain address.

By minting this type of NFT, the creator enables other users to search for and retrieve the associated blockchain address using the linked nickname instead of an email address.

Each registered nickname is unique and cannot be duplicated, ensuring that every nickname is distinct and easily identifiable within the blockchain ecosystem.

This format enhances personalization and simplifies the search process while maintaining the uniqueness of each user's digital identity.

Last updated